vijf weken in Gainesville - Reisverslag uit Gainesville, Verenigde Staten van Rennie Minzinga - vijf weken in Gainesville - Reisverslag uit Gainesville, Verenigde Staten van Rennie Minzinga -

vijf weken in Gainesville

Door: Rennie

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Rennie

02 Oktober 2014 | Verenigde Staten, Gainesville

Heyyyy everybody!
So I've been here now for a few weeks. There is way too much happening to write it all down, so I'll provide a short summary.

To begin with the courses, they are pretty busy and although a little below the level I'm used to in the Netherlands you're forced to read a lot of articles and books simply because there are way more deadlines like small tests, papers and discussions. On the one hand I learn more than in the Netherlands, but it also sucks because I got less time to enjoy all the great stuff that's going on here.

My weeks consist of one big blur of parties, studying, trips, going out for dinner or lunch, hang out by the pool, just chilling and much more. I've got the opportunity to meet wonderful people and I still feel blessed for being here.

So I wanted to share some activities I've been doing the last couple of weeks. On monday, tuesday and wednesday during the day I'm mainly busy with school. At night I go to the gym, squash, dance (salsa, ballet, hiphop), go to grog (a place to go out on wednesday, ladies get drinks for free). Also I've been a few times to the mall now to buy (too many) clothes and have lunch. Most things are cheaper compared to the Netherlands so that's how I keep my conscience clean. Sushi is wayyyyyy cheaper then in the Netherlands so I'm developing an addiction actually, I'll go two or three times a week to get sushi, although I miss my sushi buddy Vief, I've found a few friends here who are also really enthusiastic about sushi haha. I've also been working out a few times at the stadium, that's also an experience because it's so big and you can do all sorts of stuff by yourself and it's pretty busy. There are so many students here who pay a lot of attention to their body and work out a lot. I've never seen so many people (mostly guys) with a six-pack.

Thursday and Friday are mostly a bit calmer, because I don't spend as much time studying. I usually also go to the gym or have lunch and go out at night.

During the weekends I've been already on a few really cool trips. We went to some place called big shoals. It's a river (with alligators) and the current is pretty strong, they call it white waters. That's where you canoe or kayak, the nature is sooo beautiful and there a whole different vibe. What I also found special that weekend was that as soon as everybody gathered for dinner no one ate by him or herself, everybody shared all their food with everybody. At night we sat watching the stars and I can tell you it's the best feeling ever. Also a lot of people slept in hammock. We slept with Dax, Armando me and Marlies in a tent. Only the inner part of the tent I guess you could say, because it's still really warm at night and we were able to look at the stars! Last weekend we went to Ginnie Springs. The water is pretty clear and we were with a big group of people, which is always nice! We went tubing there, some played volleyball or snorkeling and it was a lot of fun!

So a friend of mine lives close to Miami, me and a few friends are going to visit his parents this weekend, go paddle boarding and then visit his friend in Miami! I'm reeeeeaaaaally looking forward to that too!

So this is a bit of a summary of what I've been doing, it sounds way less cool than it actually is. I hope everybody back home is doing fine as well and talk to you soon! :)

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Verslag uit: Verenigde Staten, Gainesville


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